Yup, I'm officially a full time mom and homemaker! Woot!
It was sad to leave my colleagues but I was more than excited to concentrate my effort at home.
It was actually an easy decision for me. The only exception was supporting my parents. But God has provided that part and I could finally leave the working world in peace.
Why was it so easy, if you may ask? Here are some reasons.
The most difficult job for me to leave was actually my previous job. I was living my dream as a journalist but God told me to leave. I knew if I could obey Him at that time, then I could leave any other jobs the next time.
Apart from that, I also believed it is of a higher calling to be a full time mom. I believe training my child starts as early as newborn.
God says " Train up your child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it (Proverbs 22:6)"
As the mother, I should be taking up this role - not Sunday School teachers, not my parents and certainly not daycare centers.
Training a child would take a long time. I do not wish to wait until she is a teenager to start "teaching" her. A malay proverb says " Biar melentur buluh dari rebungnya". It means we need to start teaching our children from young.
I believe the reward of sowing into my daughter would be greater than sowing into a company. I am not that strong, so I would not be able to achieve this by being a part-time mom.
My husband supported and encouraged me in this decision.
My HR manager laughed and said my husband must be very rich for me to resign from an almost 5-figured salary. My husband said, "Yeah, we are rich in the Lord!"
It is great to have such strong support from husbands!
Lastly, it is also great to know I have some friends who are in the same boat. We are all housewives and full time moms! :)
But of course, I take up this " job " with fear and trembling. I can not blame Sunday school teachers or day care center guardians if my daughter turns rebellious. I will need to be an example for her to follow. For that, I need God more than ever!
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