





The Dangers of the IPad Generation & Our children’s generation – a crooked and perverse generation like never before

24 April 2012

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SY: Debbie is my sister-in-law who recently became a stay-at-home mom to look after and teach her 2 years and 4 months old son, Ezra. She wrote this article in her blog and I've gotten her permission to re-post this in BW.
Here's what she has to say on why she quit her job.

Just take a stroll in a public area and see just how many kids, toddlers, worst still babies are given a smartphone or a tablet pc (aka iphone or ipad) unattended?

I cringe at the fact my baby is given the ipad.

I could not work at peace.

Let me tell you why.

1. Studies shows that children under the age of 5 are like sponge. They absorb everything. (That is why pre-school teachers give their ALL to instill the love of everything that is good…books, knowledge, numbers, arts, sports, CHARACTER, etc….while they are at these tender age)

2. Have you ever searched the YouTube for the most innocent thing and there came up “top search – video of some kind of sensual thing as good as PORNO for the little one. (I’m being as mild as I can)

3. Coming back to sponge – whatever they see goes into their eye gate. The eye gate, and the ear gate is the entrance to your mind, and when it touches it, it STICKS in there. That is why people tell you not to watch PORNO, because when you try to forget it, you’ll find that you can never wash it away from your mind.

I rushed home to search the history. I screened through and as surely as to my disdain…some of you may not even label it as porno but to me it’s rubbish for the eyes. It must have been accidentally clicked on. I AM NOT taking any more chances!

This is what I did.

1. Explained to the caretakers (who is also family) the benefits of ipad AND THEN the DANGERS of it. And then pleaded, for my child NOT to use the ipad unattended. In return, they tell me that recent news has been reported that little children’s eyesight has been worsen because of long hours on the ipad. They support me. (A BIG sigh!)

2. Quit my job. Why, I will elaborate more below.

A perverse and crooked generation….LIKE NEVER BEFORE.

To those born in my generation the 80′s. In school, perverseness was more like bad words and fighting . Porno, from books maybe. Majority of the kids were not EASILY exposed to porno accidentally or intentionally (except for those kids that were “unfortunately” under the day care of a “care-giver” with a secret addiction for sexual perverseness which the parents of course do not know about at face value or a relative of the care-giver who happens to drop by, and exposed them.). I was exposed to sensual behaviors on TV at kindy age and first exposed to porno when a friend offered me to read a book with very explicit details. It’s addictive I can tell you…or you can tell me too haha.

Our parents generation, how easy was it compared to ours to stumble upon porno accidentally or intentionally. I don’t know. But if ours was not that easy without internet, theirs should be harder without any TV.

BUT how EASY will it be for our children’s generation to chance upon porno or whatever bad stuff and how SOON?

How easy? 3 words. “A finger’s touch“.

How soon? 1 question. When did you first let your baby (and I said baby, not toddler, not pre-schooler but…baby) use a smartphone/tablet? From what I see in public areas, the babies are at least 1 year old and BELOW when they first touched the gadget!

So to summarize:-

“Our children’s generation is exposed to perverseness within their first year and in a fingers touch“

Be afraid, be very afraid.

If you are not afraid, I will be afraid for your children.

If you are afraid, what can you do as a parent? We can’t fight technology, but WE can SAVE our CHILDREN!

Thirst Quenching Sweet Sour Pear Juice

18 April 2012

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How much do you usually pay for a glass of fruit juice out there in the market? 

Perhaps it's time to consider blending in your favorite fruits & enjoy it at home! :) 

I got a bit adventurous and decided to try on something which I have never try before. I saw some leftovers assam boi and some tempting huge pears sitting inside my fridge. I need to know the taste of this two "strangers" combined. 

The result of the mixture? 


You gotta try it, I'm not kidding. Definitely a perfect drink to quench your thirst in hot weather like this! :) Hey, it takes less than 10 minutes of your time. Why not? 

Introducing the Sweet Sour Pear Juice! 

1. Soak few assam boi with hot water and press out the juice for few minutes. Add in 150ml water. 

2. Dice the pear into cubes for easy extraction 

3. Pour in the assam boi mixture 

4. Add in the cubed pears

5. If you like, you can blend in the ice too! 

6. Pour unto your glass 

7. Serve! 


Moist Choco Cupcakes

17 April 2012

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Moist Choco Cupcakes

This cupcakes gotta be my all-time favorite! Thanks to The Sudden Cook for the awesome  recipe! :) 

I made slight modification to the recipe i.e. by adding in chocolate chips & mint extracts (and more flours & cocoa powder, less sugar). Able to make approximately 15 cupcakes (with diameter of 11 cm). 

90g cocoa powder
120g all purpose flour
50g chocolate chips
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
170g butter, room temperature
150g brown sugar
3 large eggs
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp mint extract
120ml sour cream (I used yogurt) 

1. Preheat oven at 180C. Line 15 standard muffin tin with paper inserts.

2. In a medium bowl, sift together cocoa powder, all purpose flour, baking powder and salt. Set aside. 

3. In a mixing bowl, cream butter & sugar until light and fluffy. 

4. Add in eggs, one at a time, beating well after each. 

5. Beat in vanilla  &  mint extract.

6. With mixer on low speed, add flour mixture in 2 batches, alternating with sour cream/yogurt. 

7. Lastly, add in the chocolate chips and mix well. Pour batter into cups, filling 3/4 cups full. Bake for approximately 20-25 minutes ( i baked for 30 minutes). 

8. Cool pan and you're ready to indulge in it!


Aspragus with Mango & Cheese

13 April 2012

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Asparagus with Mango & Cheese

200 g asparagus
1 mango - cut into cubes
2 tbsp shredded cheese (parmesan/mozarrela/cheddar) 
Salt (optional) 

1. Bring a pot of water to boil. Stir in asparagus quickly cook for ~1-2 minutes. 
2. Scoop out the asparagus and set it on an oven-proof bowl/plate/casserole.
3. Sprinkle the shredded cheese on top of the asparagus and bake in a pre-heated oven (150 degree) for 2-3 minutes / once the cheese melts. Remove and add in the cubed mangoes.
4. Serve while it's hot! 


Braised Pork with Carrots & Mushrooms

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Braised Pork with Carrots & Mushrooms 
(Adapted from NoobCook with slight changes: Click here

500g pork (cut into cubes)
2 tbsp sesame oil
1 carrot
200g fresh shiitake mushroom
150g water (adjust accordingly)
1 tbsp dark soya (adjust)
1 tbsp osyter sauce (adjust)
1/2 tsp 5-spices powder
Rock sugar
Few slices of ginger
5 garlic cloves, bruised

1. Heat sesame oil in wok, add in pork. Stir fry until pork no longer pink in color.

2. Add water, carrots, mushrooms, gingers, garlic cloves and stir well.  Cover lid and let it shimmer about 5 minutes. 

3. Using kitchen thong, flip pork so can absorb the braising liquid.  Add rock sugar for sweetness. 

4. Simmer with lid close for half an hour or until the sauce is thicken

5. It's ready to be serve! 


Ikan Bilis Meehoon Soup with Sayur Manis

10 April 2012

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Hubs brought me to the TTDI Market for the first time last weekend and my, how i enjoyed the sight of it! It was clean, well organized & spacious. It really made the selection of vegetables & meats easier! : )

With the amount of fresh veges I bought (including some super fresh fishballs too), I've decided to put it together and "create" a new menu out of it! The result of it, it's pretty good i must say. You get to taste the freshness of the meat, the vege, the fishballs! * slurps*

If you're interested to give it a try, here's the recipe below. Do adjust according to taste & portion that you'll be preparing.

Ingredients (for 2 person)  :-
2 bowls of ikan bilis broth
Few stalks for sayur manis
10 fish balls ( i love fish balls!)
Marinade pork slices (with soy sauce, sugar & some dark soy sauce)
2 spoonful of fried ikan bilis

1. Bring ikan bilis broth to boil
2. Add in soaked meehoon in, followed by marinade pork.
3. Finally, add in the sayur manis and fish ball.
4. Bring to boil for few minutes till it's cooked.
5. Top with fried ikan bilis!

As simple as that! Enjoy!



2009 ·Blooming Wives by TNB